This flavorful, refreshing sorbet is a sophisticated twist on regular fruit sorbet. It's also quick to make with only 4 ingredients; no churning needed!...
If you like chocolate ice cream you'll love this ice cream reminiscent of a frozen mousse. This recipe contains raw eggs. We recommend that pregnant women,...
I needed a little treat for a kids party and came up with this recipe. Dip the marshmallow in melted chocolate, stuff inside a kid-sized ice cream cone,...
Cardamom and your favorite ground coffee beans make this rich and flavorful ice cream simply delicious! Serve in a cappuccino cup with clotted cream and...
Cool off with this easy formula for healthier ice pops. Just use 3 cups of any fruit you prefer, 1/4 to 1/3 cup water, 2 to 3 tablespoons honey, and 1...
Happy campers of all ages will love Frozen S'mores. (Ice cream stands in for the marshmallows used in the original campfire treat.) Take time to freeze...
We always have leftover taco shells after Taco Tuesdays, so, this is how we use them up. Add whatever ice cream toppings you prefer to create your own...
A family favorite that is great for entertaining any time of the year. Very simple and elegant to make ahead. Simply delicious! Cut into squares and top...
Carob-coconut ice cream is about the closest to a Wendy's® Frosty that I've been able to get. Serve immediately as soft serve or put in freezer to thicken....
Just milk, sugar and vanilla. This vanilla ice milk is so easy and tastes just like snow cream. This is designed for an old-fashioned ice cream maker that...
Making your own ice cream cones makes sense, especially if you make your own ice cream and have extra egg whites. You will need a silicone mat to bake...
We always had snow ice cream as children and my Dad perfected the recipe over the years! Let the kids help as much as you can stand, because the little...
Coffee meets doughnuts in one delightful icebox cake filled with coffee ice cream and whipped topping layered over a doughnut-laden crust. Your sweet tooth...
This is my Grandfather's recipe. The name doesn't sound too appealing, but it is the best ever. This recipe contains raw eggs. We recommend that pregnant...
Delicious and fun chocolate ice cream bars that are adaptable to every taste bud! Top bars with sprinkles, chopped nuts, or any other of your favorite...
For the adults, this is a dessert and after-dinner drink all rolled into one. This recipe makes enough for large ice pop molds. It's tempting to add more...
A no-cook recipe with eggs, evaporated milk, and condensed milk. This is designed for an old-fashioned ice cream maker that yields 1 gallon; be sure to...
Rich, decadent custard-based alcoholic ice cream that our house guests rave about. This recipe records the best of several variations that I have tried...
My great-grandma's ice cream pie includes a Rice Krispies® crust and peanut buttery chocolate topping. This recipe can be changed to accommodate different...
I tried to make a lactose and alcohol free version of the famous cocktail and found that my family went crazy for this recipe. It is fantastically refreshing...
I needed a sweetened condensed milk for Snow Ice Cream when we were snowed in and couldn't get to the store. I didn't have the right ingredients for any...
My dad always said we had to wait until there was at least 2 and 1/2 feet of snow already on the ground with more coming steadily because then we knew...
This is my Grandmother's recipe for ice cream. It's yummy, doesn't require an ice cream maker, very simple and can be made into any flavor of ice cream...
A no-cook vanilla ice cream! This recipe contains raw eggs. It is designed for an old-fashioned ice cream maker that yields 1 gallon; be sure to scale...
This recipe is an attempt to emulate 'Turkish Coffee Ice Cream' made by an ice cream maker in Santa Barbara, California. It comes very close. If you like...